Recycling Multi Jet Fusion PA 12 Powder Into Filament
In a recent research project backed by 3DTech, thesis student Dung Ha was offered work in examining re-use of Nylon PA12 powder from 3D printing Multi Jet Fusion (MJF) manufacturing. The author’s findings were detailed in the recently published thesis paper, ‘A Study on Recycling of Waste Polyamide 12 Powder into 3D Printing Filaments.’ While the idea of recycling 3D materials is not exactly new, Dung Ha also explores how fine powders can be handled safely and then processed into filament. Nylon Polyamide 12 (PA12) is chosen by many users because it is both tough but flexible, and offers high performance in printing with strong layer adhesion. Dung Ha sees PA12 as worthy of study and recycling due to its extraordinary properties, but also points out that there are definite challenges in working with this substance too, due to problems with loss of integrity after processing, and the tendency to absorb water. Because the author has a strong focus on lab work, safety is a major priority, and an expansive part of this study; however, the real topic at hand is how the powder can be recycled and re-used as 3D printing filament. PA12 is one of the most commonly used materials in 3D printing, and especially for researchers and engineers. Benefits of this 3D printing powder include:
This powder is suitable for use in a variety of different applications, to include rapid prototyping, for medical models, and more, and can be improved overall with a variety of different additives like carbon, glass, or aluminum. 3DTech uses PA12 for their 3D printing products, usually with a particle size of around 55 – 60 µm, and they contributed the waste product used in the study. Powder waste, collected manually, was comprised of combined powders from a variety of bed printer positions, and stored in three plastic boxes that were sealed and kept at the Arcada lab.
The most common reason for a dust cloud explosion is usually a spark forming somewhere in the lab. Explosions may occur in some instances, and especially if there is a combination of dust and air that are considered dangerous due to intense concentrations. This tends to happen with finer particle sizes. Safety must be taken into consideration, and while flammability is an issue, emissions are often in question regarding 3D printing too. Users can easily inhale fine particles, posing health risks—and especially due to the smaller particles:
Multiple other studies have been performed in recent years regarding particles and emissions, such as specific testing for indoor air quality as well as studying emissions overall. The author goes into greater detail here than we usually see, regarding how users can prevent exposure from affecting them or hurting them in an unfortunate explosion. Proper handling procedures must be followed, along with wearing appropriate protective gear such as goggles, lab coats, masks, and following measures like washing all areas that have contact with powder, as well as avoiding eating or drinking in the lab. Chemical degradation and oxidation of PA12 powder in an unmolten state is an issue, and as Dung Ha points out, ‘the time and heat of [the] printing bed close to melting point increase molecular weight of PA12 powder, thus viscosity of PA12 powder decreases.’ Oxidation does also cause the white powder to turn both yellow and brown, and waste powder requires enhancing. To combat degradation and discoloration, other researchers have previously used Tungsten carbide (WC) as an additive. For making filament with the recycled materials, the researcher used a 1.75 mm nozzle, with a constant temperature setting of 180 celsius. There were some challenges in experimentation, and adjusting the WC additive helped; however, the researcher concluded that it simply may not be possible to make a ‘high-strength 3D product’ from a high-strength filament. Dung Ha recommends that when developing filaments, users must consider the performance of the FDM 3D printing system being used. Overall, the author concluded that recycled filaments were a success, resulting in good tensile strength and modulus. The filament also worked successfully in their MakerBot Replicator 2.0, with no clogging. 3D printing has opened doors for so many designers and engineers around the world, leading to an almost worldwide euphoria of ongoing creativity. But almost as soon as the fun started, users began worrying about issues in safety, emissions, and what to do with 3D printing waste—including methods in recycling, from filament to plastics. Find out more about recycling of polyamide 12 powder into filament here. What do you think of this news? Let us know your thoughts! Join the discussion of this and other 3D printing topics at [Source / Images: ‘ A Study on Recycling of Waste Polyamide 12 Powder into 3D Printing Filaments’] Printing via | The Voice of 3D Printing / Additive Manufacturing March 31, 2019 at 03:51AM
Xi’an Jiaotong University: Chinese Researchers Create New Hydrogel 3D Printing System
While hydrogels are often central to bioprinting today, these structures are also used in many other applications like manufacturing diapers, contact lenses, and drug delivery. The medical field is of course benefiting from their continued use, however, in tissue engineering. Hydrogels have also branched off into numerous different categories such as functional, responsive, double-network, tough, along with those included in soft sensors, actuators, and ionic devices. The authors put the issue at hand very clearly here: as hydrogels become more advanced, so should the techniques being used to create them. In this study, they detail a new way to pattern liquids with the capacitor edge effect, offering a method they expect to be applied for creating comprehensive hydrogel 3D printing systems. They go into detail regarding techniques for rapid prototyping of:
In using the capacitor edge effect (PLEEC), hydrogels can be created with many different properties, and cross-linking is possible too with a variety of mechanisms and materials.
Essentially, capacitors store electrical charges. Here, the authors study and compare both symmetric and asymmetric capacitors—with the end goal of producing the asymmetric forms to both ‘trap and control liquids in an open space.’ Their 3D printing system for hydrogels is made up of seven parts:
The researchers use an Arduino Mega 2560 R3 to control the system, with three 42-stepper motors controlled by Leadshine DM542 to actuate the three sliding rails. They also use a high-voltage power supply (Trek 610E), applied at 3000 V at 1 kHz. Polymerization can be achieved through heat curing, UV curing, or ion-exchange curing, and hydrogels are easily patterned into different composites. The researchers state that this method of curing allows for ‘excellent integrity and bonding.’
3D printing hydrogels is popular in many research labs today as bioprinting continues to reach new heights. While tissue engineering is a very real science that is already helping many patients today as they receive 3D printed implants and medical professionals rely on 3D printed medical models and surgical guides, the ultimate goal is in actually 3D printing human organs. Currently though, hydrogels can be used in a wide range of applications. Find out more about use of the capacitator edge effect here. What do you think of this news? Let us know your thoughts! Join the discussion of this and other 3D printing topics at [Source / Images: ‘ Hydrogel 3D printing with the capacitor edge effect’] Printing via | The Voice of 3D Printing / Additive Manufacturing March 30, 2019 at 03:51AM GH Induction Group Announces New Service for 3D Printed Copper Coils & Inductors
Now, GH Induction Group is launching 3Dinductors, their new website ( completely dedicated to their 3D printed coils and inductors, made of pure copper. While copper is a metal that offers a list of almost magical benefits due to its malleable texture and excellent ductility, accompanied by 3D printing technology, GH can produce inductors with a significantly increased service life (up to four times higher in some cases), higher density, and stronger mechanical properties. Coil spares are manufactured to be identical geometrically, and all parts are optimized for the high performance.
Critical attention to research and design, and ongoing development—as well as experimenting with other 3D printing processes that could not deliver like EBM does—has allowed GH to make serious breakthroughs for industrial companies engaged in manufacturing processes that require industrial induction heating technology. Applications such as automotive are a perfect example of industries that will benefit further from such techniques as part production cost is significantly reduced, production is much more efficient overall, and less inventory is required. Although there are many different production methods for 3D printing and additive manufacturing methods today using metal, electron beam melting is the only method allowing GH to print pure copper alloy. To begin, the GH team can engineer their own 3D CAD designs, making changes as needed, and quickly. They are also able to control production and quality, preventing the number of hot spots, improving coil cooling as they transform inductor characteristics when necessary, and manufacture in a vacuum atmosphere to prevent porosity issues and rusting. 3D printed inductors can also be fixed just like conventionally-manufactured designs. 3D printing with metal has become popular for a wide range of industries because it offers the ability to manufacture extremely strong but lightweight parts with complex geometries. We have seen numerous other forays into 3D printing with copper too, as researchers create pure copper powder, construction engineers design 3D printed copper roofs, and others are dedicated to improving processes using this metal and others. What do you think of this news? Let us know your thoughts; join the discussion of this and other 3D printing topics at [Source / Images: GH Induction Group]
Printing via | The Voice of 3D Printing / Additive Manufacturing March 29, 2019 at 09:18PM USPS announces upcoming stamp dedications Additional information about the availability of these stamps and first-day-of-issue events will be provided at a later date. Printing via USPS News March 29, 2019 at 11:47AM 3D Printed Translucent Façade to Envelop Entrance to Deutsches Museum in Munich Two years ago, we told you about one of the world’s first 3D printed, functionally integrated building façade elements. The concept of a 3D printed translucent façade was developed by a team of researchers at the Technical University of Munich (TUM), led by Moritz Mungenast, co-founder of 3F Studio and a research fellow at the university’s Associate Professorship of Architectural Design and Building Envelope. Now the idea is being taken to the next level – the Deutsches Museum in Munich will soon undergo its largest renovation by adding one of these 3D printed façade envelopes to the face of the building.
Now that this testing period has been completed, the team’s 3D printed façade concept can go out into the real world. The complete façade for the museum will be divided into square meter panels weighing about 10 to 15 kg each. Within its six to eight cm material thickness, air-filled cavities will offer optimum insulation and structural integrity to the building, while bulges and the previously mentioned textural waves create shadows for shade. Thin, integrated tubes inside the 3D printed façade will make it possible for air to circulate from one side of the element to the other for optimal ventilation. All of these functions are adaptable, so that they can accommodate any building requirements, and also operate across any scale. Additionally, only minimal post-processing will be required, so the 3D printed façade elements can be directly installed, and because no support structures are needed, the team also saves on material. The 45 x 15 meter façade, which will be 3D printed out of PETG material and weigh approximately 8,000-12,000 kg, is scheduled to envelop the museum’s new entrance by October of 2020. The museum is also undergoing a larger renovation, which will be led by Schmidt-Schicketanz und partner (SSP). Discuss this story and other 3D printing topics at, or share your thoughts in the Facebook comments below. [Source: designboom/ Images: TUM’s Andreas Heddergott, unless otherwise noted] Printing via | The Voice of 3D Printing / Additive Manufacturing March 29, 2019 at 03:54AM How 3D Printing Could Impact Technology Doping In Sport Elite-level athletes are notorious for trying to stay one-step ahead. In the past, this has meant using nutrition science, advanced statistics, and even doping using performance-enhancing drugs. But in the future it may mean doping with technology instead. 3D printing could play a big role in this, further complicating the job of sports’ anti-doping policing force, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). What is Technology Doping?Technology doping is an unofficial term, but generally refers to athletes gaining an unfair competitive advantage from their equipment. Not mentioned in the current version of the WADA Code (global sport’s doping rulebook), “technology doping” is ostensibly considered a violation of the “spirit of sport”. This is a catch-all term to describe sport’s intrinsic values of ethics, honesty, and fair play. While WADA has addressed some technology-related issues (specifically hyperbaric chambers), for now it allows each sport’s International Federation to make their own tech doping rules. Natural vs. Unnatural EvolutionFrom soft leather to hard plastic helmets in football, wood to carbon-reinforced polymer rackets in tennis, to the synthetic-surface playing fields themselves common in many sports, technology advancements have always helped evolve sport. All of these undoubtedly have enhanced athletes’ performance, but when does it do so too much? In 2009, FINA (the international governing body for swimming) drew that line. After 17 world records fell at a single international meet, the Speedo LZR racer swimsuit worn by many of the record breakers came under global scrutiny. FINA decided to ban the elastane-nylon and polyurethane body-length suits which improving swimmers’ speed by increasing buoyancy and repelling water. Beyond just changing the record books overnight, tech doping has other possible consequences. Unregulated equipment use could lead to an athletic arms race that focuses more on technology than human performance. This in turn could further the gap between traditional sporting nations and those that already can’t afford to keep up resource-wise. How 3D Printing Could Contribute To Technology DopingGiven how traditionally-manufactured advances in technology have completely changed some sports, it’s not hard to imagine how 3D printing could initiate an even greater revolution. In many ways, it already has. In 2014, Nike unveiled 3D-printed ‘concept’ cleats like the Nike Vapor HyperAgility, built specifically for American football’s shuttle run drill. Four years later, the company released Nike Flyprint, the “first 3D-printed textile upper in performance footwear.” After capturing athlete data to determine optimal material composition, Flyprint is produced by “solid deposit modeling (SDM), a process whereby a TPU filament is unwound from a coil, melted and laid down in layers.” In other words, it is Fused Deposition Modeling by yet another name. The first Flyprint was created for Eliud Kipchoge, the Kenyan distance runner who currently holds the world record in the marathon (2:01:39). That record-setting time was registered in the rain, and despite his legendary performance, Kipchoge complained that his shoes absorbed too much water. In response, Nike came back to Kipchoge with the new 3D-printed Flyprint uppers, which are 11 grams lighter than those he wore during his record-breaking run. While it’s impossible to say Kipchoge won’t improve on his world record time even more with or without the shoes, these advancements certainly don’t hurt. Paralympic athletes are also taking advantage of 3D printing technology. German cyclist Denise Schindler used a prosthetic leg printed by Autodesk in the 2016 Summer Paralympics. While Schindler didn’t appear to have an unfair advantage or even medal, 3D-printed prosthetics that significantly improve para-athletes’ performance seem like they could be the most impactful instance of technological doping in the near future. The fear would be technology creating cyborg-esque athletes that outperform even ‘able-bodied ones’, which is perhaps why the IAAF (track and field’s governing body) briefly banned “any technical device that incorporates springs, wheels or any other element that provides a user with an advantage over another athlete” such as Olympic and Paralympic runner Oscar Pistorius’ carbon-fiber prosthetics. The examples go on and on, touching seemingly every sport from biathlon to luge. So far, no international sport body has publicly (issued) a warning regarding 3D-printed equipment—it seems all is fair game as long as the improvement in performance isn’t too obvious or drastic. Given that 3D printing will only become more affordable in the future, maybe IFs consider the playing field level enough as long as nothing turns into a proverbial wood versus metal-level mismatch. Combatting Technology DopingBut should sports equipment continue to get lighter, stronger, and more customized to the point that it’s creating an unfair advantage, how could tech doping be shorted? It seems unlikely WADA would add a section to the Code blanket-banning 3D printing, as it would be at odds with its ‘one-size fits all’ approach to policing regular doping. It’s more likely that individual sports will continue to monitor performance as it pertains to their particular sports on a case-by-base basis. A new version of The Code is set to be released in 2021, but currently there’s no indication 3D printing or similar technology is on the table for inclusion. Should a printing breakthrough become a literal gamechanger, equipment inspections could become mandatory before a game or competition, or done randomly afterward ala urine and blood testing. This would be no job for an ordinary official, and might require a new specifically trained one that knows his polyester from his polypropylene. Counter-technology that can tell “legally-produced” equipment from prohibited technology might also be something sport organizations seek to have developed, undoubtedly signaling the beginning of another giant cat and mouse game akin to the one that policing regular doping already is. In the end, it will be a human judgment call about which technologies allow athletes to get too far ahead, and which are fair game. Discuss this news, and other 3D printing topics, at or share your thoughts in the Facebook comments below. Printing via | The Voice of 3D Printing / Additive Manufacturing March 29, 2019 at 03:51AM Admatec and Aristo-Cast Directly 3D Printing Investment Casting Shells
The most difficult investment patterns are those with complex passages or cores, as it’s difficult to verify the coat’s integrity and when it’s dry enough to apply the next coat. But with the new process that Aristo-Cast developed with the ADMAFLEX 130, it’s possible to directly 3D print the shell, which reduces the steps involved in the traditional process and the need for an expensive injection mold or 3D printed pattern. In addition, when the shell is 3D printed from a CAD file, you no longer have to worry about what the surface detail looks like, the time can be reduced by up to 75% since you don’t have to wait for multiple coats to dry, and it’s possible to inspect intricate core passages before you pour the alloy to create the cast.
Admatec and Aristo-Cast have been working together to develop a ceramic formula that matches the required shell formulation, which led to Admatec’s creation of an investment casting material that’s also suitable for 3D printing and compatible with the 3D printed shell process.
While the cost savings will vary, as the price depends on how complex the part itself is, customers could save up to 50% using this new process. Admatec’s investment casting solutions are now available for customers on the market.
Next week at the AMUG Conference in Chicago, Aristo-Cast will present the new 3D printed investment casting approach it developed with Admatec. Stop into Room PDR2 at the conference on Tuesday, April 2nd between 1:30 and 2:30 to discuss the approach with local sales director John Koch and CCO Sandeep Rana. Discuss this news, and other 3D printing topics, at or share your thoughts in the Facebook comments below. [Images provided by Admatec] Printing via | The Voice of 3D Printing / Additive Manufacturing March 29, 2019 at 01:42AM Research Duo Uses Simulation and PLA to Make Lightweight 3D Printed Antenna Prototype While most 3D printed antennas are made with metal, two researchers from Turkey’s Yasar University recently completed a study about using PLA material to make a 3D printed conical corrugated horn antenna, which is used to feed reflector antennas in direct broadcast satellite (DBS) systems. The paper, titled “The Prototype of a Wideband Ku-Band Conical Corrugated Horn Antenna with 3-D Printing Technology,” discusses the researchers’ design, production, and verification of a prototype antenna fabricated with FDM 3D printing and nickel conductive aerosol painting.
Typically, conical corrugated horn antennas are used in dual or circular polarization applications, like satellite communication, and are made up of four main sections: input (feed) waveguide, transition, corrugated profile (mode converter), and the antenna aperture; however, this prototype only has three. The interior surface slots and teeth in this type of antenna work as a feed for reflectors in remote sensing systems and satellites, due to its “directivity and gain as well as low cross-polarization level, low side and back lobe levels and good return loss value.”
Because they are made up of complex geometric shapes, you need a highly precise manufacturing process to make these. CNC and CCM machines are used most often, but they’re expensive and take a long time, which is why some people choose to use FDM 3D printing. This antenna was specifically designed to operate within wideband between 10.5 and 18.5 GHz, so it can cover both the general RX band (10.5-12.75 GHz) and TX band (17.3-18.4 GHz) in DBS communications and the TX/RX bands of 10.7-12.75 GHz and 13.75-14.5 GHz in telecommand and telemetry satellite applications. Simulations within CST Microwave Studio 2017 were used to optimize these dimensions, first using Perfect Electric Conductor (PEC) material to make the process faster, and then with dielectric PLA and the nickel conductive aerosol paint coating.
An Ultimaker 2+ was used to manufacture the antenna prototype out of PLA, which is easier, cheaper, and more environmentally friendly to print than ABS. A 0.4 mm nozzle was used to apply 0.2 mm layers, with 50% infill, at 50 mm/second, which took about 23 hours.
The performances – directivity, radiation patterns, realized gain, and return loss – of the antenna were measured. Additionally, the researchers compared the cost, production cost, and weight of the antenna when made with 3D printed PLA and nickel, and one made out of aluminum with CNC-based milling. Not surprisingly, the research shows that the 3D printed prototype takes less time and money to make, and is also more lightweight.
Co-authors of the paper are M. E. Carkaci & M. Secmen.
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Printing via | The Voice of 3D Printing / Additive Manufacturing March 29, 2019 at 01:21AM
AMUG 2019: DSM to Announce New Powder 3D Printing Material, Discuss Partnerships, and Give Presentations It’s almost time for this year’s AMUG Conferencein Chicago, and we’ve been sharingplenty of announcementsahead of the yearly event. Now we’ve got another one: global science-based company Royal DSM, located in the Netherlands, has just announced its program for the show. For starters, DSM, which is also a diamond sponsor for the conference, will have the beta version of its new powder 3D printing material at the event, and announced that it is continuing to grow its portfoliowith a number of new partnerships.
DSM’s conference schedule looks pretty busy, as the company works to continue speeding up the adoption of 3D printing. Its AMUG program really shows off its ecosystem and vision of industry partnerships and sustainability. For instance, a beta version of the company’s new PBT 3D printing powder product – a first for the company – will be announced at the show.
It’s the first PBT powder made commercially available for SLS 3D printing, as well as the first developed from DSM’s new powder technology platform. The company is working to co-develop this platform with customers, so it will definitely meet viable application and market needs. From 6 to 10 pm on Sunday, March 31st and 10 am to noon on Monday, April 1st, DSM will introduce its powder, and its business leaders, along with exhibiting demo applications of its other materials, at booth D18 and in conference suite 4J. DSM, which is well-known for its AM ecosystem approach, has also announced numerous partnerships over the last year, including with companies like Adaptive3D, Fortify, Chromatic, and JuggerBot 3D.
First up, Walter Voit from Adaptive3D will be presenting “Adaptive3D and DSM AM Partner to Bring Photopolymer Resins to Market to Enable Tough, Strain-Tolerant Rubbers and Elastomers” from 3 to 4 pm on Monday in the DSM suite. Tuesday morning from 10:30 to 11:30, Ultimaker’s Bas de Jong and DSM’s Noud Steffens will be presenting “Ultimaker and DSM AM accelerate the adoption of high performance thermoplastic filaments to produce jigs and fixtures” in the suite, followed by a short presentation at 2:30 that same day by Chromatic’s Cora Leibig, entitled “Partnership between Chromatic 3D Materials and DSM AM develop first printable industrial polyurethanes.” The final partner presentation will take place in DSM’s suite at 1:30 on Wednesday. Dan Fernback & Zac DiVencenzo from JuggerBot 3D will be presenting “Opportunities and challenges of 3D printed tooling in production programs.” Many of DSM’s thought leaders will be attending the conference and giving talks and presentations during the event. At 1:30 on Monday in the Hilton Chicago’s Wilford A/B, da Silva will discuss why 3D printing should be sustainable from the get-go in “Sustainable Manufacturing – No Longer a Dream With 3D Printing.”
Thursday morning at 10:30, DSM’s Jasper van Dieten will present “Qualification of Materials for medical applications” in the company’s suite, and DSM’s second Learning Lab will be presented by John Schaefer at 1:30 in Salon C, Spaces 1 and 2. Discuss this news, and other 3D printing topics, at or share your thoughts in the Facebook comments below. Printing via | The Voice of 3D Printing / Additive Manufacturing March 29, 2019 at 12:57AM 3D Printed Parts on the Ulysse Nardin FREAK neXt Watch Luxury watch manufacturers like Ulysse Nardin are certainly aware that enthusiasts today want something modern and unique, but they still expect pristine quality and spectacular style. Adding a 3D concept is an excellent way to garner the attention of savvy consumers, along with enjoying all the manufacturing benefits of 3D printing too. The FREAK neXt watch is still a concept piece in the prototyping stages—following production of the first FREAK watch fifteen years ago—but it shows off technical and watchmaking skills of the future, along with the fruits of Ulysee Nardin’s labor in collaborating with Swiss 3D printing glass microdevice manufacturer, FEMTOprint. Together, the two dynamic companies have used their expertise to create an impressive piece, featuring details such as:
FEMTOprint’s focus in 3D printing is centered around transforming microfabrication, mainly with glass microdevices. Their platform applies to numerous applications, including microfluidics, packaging, photonics, a wide range of manufacturing, and other works involving fine mechanics.
Traditionally, quality watchmakers are in need of glass materials for parts like dials, actuators, balance wheels, and indicators. This new prototype is meant to show a ‘technological milestone’ to the world for watch enthusiasts, and other designers and engineers too, with the 3D printed flying oscillator accompanying the carousel baguette movement. The oscillator serves as a regulating device for the watch, but in this design is suspended in mid-air. This unique engineering prevents friction on the bearings and allows for better performance overall.
The new FREAK watch also features a phosphorescence dial, only visible in the dark, produced by a strontium aluminate–based, non-radioactive and nontoxic photoluminescent pigment and 3D tubes. This device could be put into production in the very near future, according to the designer. VIDEO Before the advent of smartphones glued to our hands, most of us relied on more conventional timepieces; in fact, if you did not, your character could be swiftly judged as someone asked, ‘what kind of person doesn’t wear a watch?’ Today not as many of us do, which makes the watch a real statement of style. When you now have an iPhone to gaze upon, it can tell you what time it is in any city in the world, remind you what to do on the hour, and tell you when to go to sleep, when to wake up, and even count your breakfast calories for you. What goes on your wrist is a statement of style, and 3D printing is propelling watchmakers into the future with so many options now, whether they are making watch straps, experimenting with 3D printed metal in production, or even fabricating parts for wearables like smartwatches. Find out more about the design partnership between FEMTOprint and Ulysse Nardin here. What do you think of this news? Let us know your thoughts! Join the discussion of this and other 3D printing topics at [Source / Images: FEMTOprint case study] Printing via | The Voice of 3D Printing / Additive Manufacturing March 29, 2019 at 12:42AM |
April 2023