Sorry, Kendrick. The pope is the greatest rapper alive.
On Saturday, His Holiness was on a flight from Cairo to Rome, where he warned about the devastating effects of a war with North Korea.
A serious topic, for sure. But the internet was too distracted by the above photo to care about the message. Francis: Tell 'em how you feel.
Pope: "oh shiiiiiiit....Microphone check one two what is this, the pope of the Francisus with the roughneck business-"— LuisMiguelEchegaray (@lmechegaray) April 30, 2017
A few people referenced #popebars—an old hashtag born from a similar photo of the pope in Bangui back in 2015.
In case you don't remember the miracle that was #popebars ...
Bless up, Pope Francis.