It was bound to happen with the White House press briefing always scheduled right after lunch: Press Secretary Sean Spicer held Monday's press event with food stuck in his teeth the entire time.
It was a persistent piece of food that didn't budge from start to finish and unlike the time when his American flag pin was upside down, no one notified him with a courtesy note or polite notification.
Too bad for Spicer, the mystery green blob (any guesses on what is was — spinach, parsley, kale?) deeply lodged between his lower teeth did not go unnoticed.
On Twitter his embarrassing moment was given the full online treatment. It also didn't help that when the briefing started he was talking about sanctuary cities.
Actor Jim Carey even posted about it.
Fittingly, this Ace Ventura GIF kept popping up.
Everyone else tweeted about it, too, with many mentions of Melissa McCarthy using this as fodder for a future SNL skit.
Sean Spicer giving today's #pressbriefing w/ his lunch still in his teeth, may be the best distraction strategy thus far by the Trump Admin
— Hip_Threads (@Hip_Threads) March 27, 2017
I'm not watching Sean Spicer's presser, but I'm guessing Melissa McCarthy's next skit will involve a big hunk of something in her teeth.
— Kris (@_Froggyluv) March 27, 2017
What's in Spicer's teeth? Lettuce or another attempt to signal for help?
— Windy (@bug_1981) March 27, 2017
Here's Monday's briefing to check out the stuck food yourself:
It's subtle, but oh-so distracting.