How A Combination Of Digital And Traditional Marketing Can Yield The Best Results Plenty of people might think that traditional marketing is dead in many senses but this couldn’t be further from the truth. People often times do not read emails with promotional material but are more than willing to open an envelope to take a look when going through mail. Printed envelopes with a company logo are far easier to recognize than a spammy email blast headline. The truth is to have the best marketing reach it is imperative to utilize both digital and traditional marketing. The following are how both of these can work in unison to create the ultimate marketing campaign. Content Marketing Can Happen With Newsletters And Online ContentSending out quarterly newsletters along with online monthly or weekly newsletters is important. Even if this is weekly there will still be links to important content on the company website along with other content the company has published elsewhere. Both of these types of content can be used to discuss company initiatives whether they are to reduce the company’s carbon footprint or to donate to missions overseas. Gathering Contact Information And Following Up With Brochures To Previous ClientsGathering contact information is far less difficult online than through other avenues. This can be used to follow up with previous clients to let them know about new products or services offered. Staying present in previous client’s minds is important so they do not look for another vendor. The familiarity of a company can be quite comforting for a customer who would rather pay a little bit more as they know the quality they will receive in return. Creating A Buzz Online Then Sending Out Invites To A Conference Or EventCreating a buzz is important when trying to maximize the attendance of a particular event. Doing this online is far more cost efficient than taking out commercial time on TV. Ranking at the top of the page for a phrase like “best network marketing conference” can bring in huge numbers. For those people that you want to come sending out personalized invites after creating a buzz can be a huge help. The other attendees will come due to the buzz that was created or for the people that will be speaking at the event. Offering speakers free booths at the event can be a perfect way to allow them to benefit while the conference or event does as well. SEO Is Still Going To Drive Leads But Business Materials And Written Proposals Close DealsSEO is going to drive leads unlike any other form of marketing as most consumers go online to find what they need. With this being said, people generally want to see business materials in print as pricing or features on the website can always be changed. In B2B situations there are going to be contracts that need to be signed so sending over these materials with a proposal can close a deal far quicker. SEO is not going to be enough as quick mailing of the right materials are going to close the deal rather than a search engine ranking. Use a combination of both traditional print marketing and digital marketing to expand the reach of your next marketing campaign. This will offer the best ROI possible so start putting a strategy together today! The post How A Combination Of Digital And Traditional Marketing Can Yield The Best Results appeared first on Social Media Explorer. Social Media via Social Media Explorer August 13, 2019 at 06:50AM
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