Audi Creates Sandbox Tracks Of Their Own Design Audi Creates Sandbox Tracks Of Their Own DesignThe auto brand has created the Enter Sandbox program to have users create their own courses and test drive them using a VR device Audi wants to bring out the creativity of a driver’s inner child by using the Enter Sandbox program. The program combines the basic layout of a sandbox with a real-time virtual reality device to have users test drive an Audi vehicle. The sandbox tracks get modified in real time using a Kinect depth sensor overlooking it. This sensor transfers all changes to the program, accounting for the bumps in the road to provide an authentic experience with the VR device. In the future, the technology displayed by Audi shows in Enter Sandbox could give engineers a better idea of how their designs operate in a variety of terrains and what they need to change. VIDEO Audi has the Enter Sandbox project touring in Sweden during the end of February through the first week of April. Mobile Marketing via PSFK February 28, 2017 at 01:33AM
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