8 B2B Video Marketing Tactics You Should Be Using If your target audience is other businesses, and you are looking for ways to upgrade your marketing strategy, then you should be creating more videos. As videos are expected to account for 82% of all traffic by 2022. People want to watch more video content. If you look around online you will find countless ways to create and use video. But your B2B video marketing strategy should include at least 8 tactics. I have listed them below. Screen recordings:If you run a Saas company that targets other businesses, you need to be creating screen recordings demonstrating how your product can be used. These videos should be a combination of promotional and problem solving videos. The promotional videos can be demo videos that provide an overview of what the tool does. While the problem solving videos can show a solution to a problem your audience is facing. And you solve this problem with your software like this video from SemRush. Also, if you are not a Saas company you can till create screen recordings that help your audience solve problems using other tools. This will not just help you nurture your audience, but also build a relationship with the Saas company (tool) you are promoting in your videos. They might return the favor. So get yourself a good video editor like Screencast-O-Matic with an inbuilt screen recording tool. And make some useful screen recordings. InterviewsInterviews are another great way to nurture your audience and build relationships at the same time. You can find out what types of questions your audience wants answers to and then invite experts on the topic and interview them. This can be a weekly thing. You can either ask the questions your viewers want answers to beforehand or you can make this a live video and get them to ask the questions live. Case studiesWritten case studies can help drive a lot of sales and build your brand. But there will also be some skeptics who will think the case studies are fake. This is why you should create more video case studies instead. In video case studies you invite people who purchased your product and/or used your service and interview them. You first start off by asking them about what their business and life were like before they used your product and then talk about how it got better after using your product. You should also share some real numbers that demonstrate the results. Here’s an example… You can either create short videos like this one or longer videos that go into more detail. WebinarsWebinars are one of the most popular forms of B2B marketing as they can generate both leads and sales. So, organize a live webinar every 2 weeks at least. People love attending webinars as they are live. Webinars can also achieve conversion rates of up to 20%. But make sure you have a well planned out webinar funnel to get the most out of it. This should include a lead generation and promotion phase, the webinar presentation itself and the email follow up phase. You can also add in an evergreen webinar phase where you edit the webinar, upload the recording, and then build a funnel around it. This can sound like a complicated process, but there are several webinar software platforms out there that can simplify building a webinar funnel. Video ads:Video ads can generate more clicks than regular ads. This is because something moving on the screen will generate more attention than a simple image or text ad. So, create a lot of video ads. But make sure you create a unique ad for each platform. What works on YouTube or Adwords might not work on a network like Facebook for example. Many platforms even let you retarget video views. So, you can take advantage of this and retarget video viewers with video ads. They like watching organic video content, so they might like your video ad too. Animated videos:If you want to create more entertaining videos, you might want to try out animated videos. Here you can explain complex things using easy to understand animated videos. An example of a company that got this right is Dropbox. You might remember their animated explainer video. It’s not exactly an animated video, but it clearly explained how cloud storage works when it wasn’t an everyday thing and as a result, a lot of people signed up to their service and helped the company grow quickly. Live social videos:As I mentioned live videos are great for interviews as your audience can ask questions, but they work well for other types of videos too. These could range from sales videos to other everyday videos you publish. Make sure you set aside a time every day/week for this as your audience will look forward to it. Also, promote it just like you would promote a webinar. More people will attend live videos than webinars as they don’t need to sign up for anything. And don’t worry about not having their email address to follow up with as you do with webinars. As you can retarget video views with ads. There are actually several webinar software that let your stream your live video on social media simultaneously. You can take advantage of this to reach more people. Online courses:Online courses are mainly used to generate passive income these days, but businesses can also use them to build up their email lists and nurture their audience. So, make sure you create online courses on topics that interest your audience the most. And make sure that they are as good as the courses they pay for. If your course is that good, they will be interested in your paid services/products more. It will show them that you are the real deal and they will be ready to pay for more advanced topics. Conclusion:These are the 8 B2B video marketing tactics you should be using. Use them today to generate more views, engagement, followers, and sales. The post 8 B2B Video Marketing Tactics You Should Be Using appeared first on Social Media Explorer. Social Media via Social Media Explorer July 27, 2020 at 08:41PM
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